We don't go to church. We are the church.
They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.
Acts 2:42
About Us
From its founding in 2012, Grace 242 has been a different kind of church. We exist to be, make, and send disciples of Jesus. As we follow Jesus, we value what Jesus valued: being over doing, people over projects, faithfulness over success, depth over breadth.
Pastor Bill Ver Velde
Hello everyone!
The secret, tell-all question for those who work at a church is, "If you didn't work at this church, would you go to it?" I am thoroughly blessed and proud to say, "Yes indeed! I would defintely attend Grace 242 if I wasn't the pastor!"
We're a long way from perfect or polished, but we genuinely want to obey Jesus' command to make disciples. And we seek to do so by living like the early church in Acts 2:42. If any of this resonantes with you, then it is my honor to welcome you to Grace 242!
Meet our church leadership.
Ann Junius
Greg Johnson
Jeff Stodola
Jim Plamann
Karin Barnes
Pam Komorowski
Ann Stodola
Our Unique Name
The “Grace” part of our name reminds us that God was gracious to save us and therefore we must be gracious with one another.
242 is a reference to Acts 2:42 where the church devoted themselves to four things: teaching, fellowship, meals, and prayer.
Mission and Core Values
Grace 242: Being, Making, Sending
Disciples of Jesus.
Biblical, Missional, Relational
Our Beliefs
We believe in one holy, sovereign, and eternal God, Creator of all things, who exists (somehow) in three equally divine persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
God planned that His Son, Jesus, would enter the world He created as one of us. In a profound mystery, Jesus is fully God and fully human. Jesus lived the only perfect life, shed his blood on the cross to make atonement for our sins, rose bodily from the grave on the third day and ascended to the Father’s right hand in heaven where He reigns as King of kings and Lord of lords. Now we eagerly await the future return of King Jesus.
The Holy Spirit is the abiding presence of Jesus who lives inside all those who belong to King Jesus. His work includes, but is not limited to: drawing people to Jesus; illuminating the Bible so we can understand it; giving gifts to believers for the building up of the church; regenerating; empowering; guiding; sanctifying; comforting. The Holy Spirit also inspired human authors to write the Bible which brings us to the next point.
God reveals Himself to us through the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament. The Bible is the ultimate authority and is sufficient for living the way God desires us to live. As God’s word to us, the Bible is to be believed in all it teaches, obeyed in all it requires, and trusted in all it promises.
In an astonishing act of loving grace, God saves humans from sin, death, and hell through Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life, and therefore, the only way to salvation. Salvation, from beginning to completion, is God’s gracious work drawing us to Himself, transforming us from death to life, adopting us into His family, conforming us to the image of Jesus, and securing an eternal home for us with Him.
Because Jesus told us to do so, we practice two sacraments: Baptism and the Lord’s Supper.
When children of believing parents are baptized, the Holy Spirit claims the child as one who will someday profess saving faith in Jesus and thereby come into the family of God. Baptism has no saving power whatsoever, it is a sign and seal of what is to come. Those who were not baptized as infants are baptized when they profess faith in Jesus Christ.
Lord's Supper
In the Lord’s Supper, we remember and proclaim Jesus’ sacrifice for us as we are united with Him and nourished by Him.
Grace242 is a part of ECO: A Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians
Grace 242 Timeline
A group of Jesus followers, many with a tremendous amount of church hurt, gathered at Rotary Park in Mequon in September. They didn't gather to form a church, they simply gathered out of love for one another. A community grew out of that first gathering and worship was moved to the Logemann Center in Mequon. As word spread, the gathering grew and Cedar Creek Community Church in Grafton hosted our worship on Sunday nights.
God raised up a group of leaders who began the process of forming a church body. In order to move worship to Sunday mornings, we began worshiping at Mequon Nature Preserve in January. Grace 242 was officially formed in April and in May, we called our founding pastor Rev. Dr. Tim Harrison.
Grace 242 began a discernment process to affiliate with a denomination that would share our beliefs; share our vision for God’s Kingdom; support us as a local congregation; and hold us accountable. In September we officially joined ECO: A Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians.
In August, our founding pastor received a call to another church which began the search for a new pastor. With remarkable speed, God brought Rev. Bill Ver Velde to us as our new pastor starting in December.
In response to the societal upheaval in March, we left Mequon Nature Preserve and launched house churches as our primary expression of worship. This began a period of nomadic wandering for the church as we sought God’s leading for the church’s future and for a new worship home. Through virtual house churches, in-person house churches, worship gatherings at Cedar Creek Community Church on Saturday nights, to worship gatherings on Sunday mornings at The Student Union in Cedarburg, we begged God to show us our new landing spot.
After years of seeking the Lord for a new location to worship, God brought us to Grace 242’s first permanent worship home at 249 N Main Street in Thiensville.
Welcome to a church that feels like home.
Frequent Questions
Service is held at 9:30 every Sunday morning.
Service is held at 249 N. Main Street in Thiensville, WI. We are located between Fit Nation and Extreme Ski & Bike.
You are welcome to come in whatever is comfortable. Worship will feel casual and you'll be among friends and family. Dress as if you were visiting friends.
Our nursery is located in the back corner off of our sanctuary. There is a window into the nursery from the sanctuary allowing you to check on your children anytime. Our welcome team, located at the welcome wall, would be happy to show you the nursery.
As soon as you enter the front door, look for the shiplap wall labeled "Welcome." A member of our welcome team will meet you there.
Grace 242 is located in a strip mall between Fit Nation and Extreme Ski & Bike. You may park in any open space in the strip mall parking lot. If you look for the picnic tables in front of the store fronts, you'll see where Grace 242 is located. We recommend choosing a space near the picnic tables.
At Grace 242, we want our children to feel belonging and ownership.
All Sundays
In the back of the sanctuary there are clipboards with coloring pages, activities, and books for during the service.
First, Third, and Fifth Sundays of the Month
On the first, third, (and fifth if there is one) Sundays of the month, there is a children's message before the scripture reading in the service.
Second and Fourth Sundays of the Month
On the second and fourth Sundays of the month, the children are invited to children's worship. Children's worship takes place during the message portion of the service. In children's worship, a Bible story is enacted and participants respond to the story through crafts, singing, and reflection. Children rejoin the service during the offertory.
After Service
After service, many children tend to grab snacks in the foyer, and/or play carpetball, fooseball, and basketball in the nursery.
If you have any questions or need directions, our welcome team, located at the welcome wall, would be happy to assist you.